Exactly what you need...

Westawk BLOG

The most powerful and effective BLOG Page ever created, solves almost 90% of your admission related queries with hundreds of real life stories and experiences of past students.

Once you get it, you will love it

Smart Students read BLOG

man, reading, touchscreen


The best ever creative page you can get, beautifully designed with all the advanced features.


Privacy is our priority, all real life stories are protected. Passcode will be shared only with members.


It will solve your 90% of your admission related queries before joining any B-School​


We have used the most powerful and advanced technology, its not only fast, it works like a rocket & the site is mobile friendly.

Privacy Protected

100+ Real Life stories & Experience, that will make you smile

100% Accurate and Real Life Experiences that will help you to understand every B-School in depth, exclusively created for Westawk Members. Be the part of Westawk Family and get the full access to all Premium BLOG and Articles @ZERO Cost, watch the training and schedule the meeting today.

Happy Students

The best part of Westawk BLOG is, MY BLOG is password protected and can be shared only with students rather than B-Schools.
I was not comfortable to share my experience over an open portals, Thank you Westawk to understand such student problems and came up with solution.
Good speed and good UI, Really helpful BLOG that will make clear all the doubts before joining a college or before choosing specilization.